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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bathroom Medicine Cabinet Updates

Hi everyone,

Conference season has started, but I'm really hoping to have regular content for you as the weeks fly by.  Work is busy in a good way, but that means less time for room designing and furniture refinishing. 

Today's post is about a project I started because our surburban house has really old medicine cabinets that had started to deteriorate over time.  The guest bathroom was the worst offender.

The metal had started rusting and was not really cleanable.  I had decided to spray paint it after reading a few tutorials, like this one from Space For Living Organizing and this one from The Handyman's Daughter.  The hubs was worried about overspray and I had started to design a spray tent using a garbage bag, but with my niece's visit looming, I decided to paint it by hand.  I did try to clean off the rust first using a brush, but it really was a lost cause.

After a few coats of paint, I was pleasantly surprised by the end result:

100% better and ready for my niece's visit!

Next, I decided to tackle the cabinets in our master bathroom.  These were also starting to show some wear, tear, and rust.  It was also clear that someone had noticed this issue and tried a little peel and stick solution at the bottom, that really wasn't working anymore.

Still, the sad little islandy wallpaper peel and stick bottom above gave me some inspiration, along with tutorial from Design Improvised and Young House Love on how to install peel and stick wallpaper.  I REALLY wanted something bright and flowery for the cabinets, but I knew the hubs would veto everything, so I decided to surprise him with some cherry blossom themed paper he just couldn't resist.  I think the paper has just a hint of pint that goes really nicely with the color on the wall.

After measuring, cutting, and then measuring and cutting a little more, I was able to get everything in pretty easily.  I had a lot of extra paper and also cut panels for the top and bottom of each cabinet.

I did the same to the hubs cabinet, but his is still pretty crusty on one side, so I only took pictures of mine.  I also didn't want to take down and put back up all his medicine cabinet stuff again.  Sigh.

We did a few additional changes to this bathroom, moving some of the towel bars and adding some removable storage.

I got the wood and metal tiered tray on the counter top from World Market.  It provides some additional multi-level storage for the counter top and is super cute!  It might be considered...slightly farmhouse, but I don't care.

 I got the shelving from TJ Maxx (couldn't find online) and the baskets from Amazon that fit perfectly.  They have super cute little rope handles and are so cute.  The baskets hold bathroom supplies, cleaning supplies, and the hubs' pajama pants.  It fits so well in the corner and doesn't take up a ton of space.

Boom.  I'm not sure how much longer we'll be in this house, but I'm enjoying improving its aesthetic and function for the way we live.

Bye for now!